Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Farewell to Summer

Green Acres Canoe and Kayak, near Whitewater River, Harrison, Ohio  © Doug Hickok

As August ends and September begins, we start saying our farewells to Summer. In the U.S. this is especially so after Labor Day weekend. We say farewell to family vacations, long weekend getaways, and lingering evenings of ease & relaxation. Farewell to sun & fun, and cooling off in the refreshing waters of rivers, lakes and seas. Farewell to you, lazy, idyllic Summer.

Though perhaps I glorify you too much. Mostly, you have been too hot, too dry and too stormy. Call me fickle, but I'm ready for a taste of sweet Autumn.


  1. Beautiful composition Doug. I will miss summer myself - probably because our Chicago winters are far too long.

  2. Lovely shot. But there are still 20 something days of summer!

  3. A fantastic play of light on these kayaks.

  4. Lovely shot....nice colors, light and composition.

    greetings, Joop

  5. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons. :)
    Are you planning to take some foliage photos in New England this year?

  6. Very beautyful Composition, Doug! I like it:-)

  7. Nice composition with beautiful shiny colors. Well done!
    Have a nice day.

  8. Beautiful sunlit shot. The summer has been brutal her in North VA so I'm ready for Fall. Bring it on. :0)

  9. oh no, I do not want to say good bye to summer:)

  10. fantastic simplicity but extraordinary photo, perfect soft light

  11. Great shot Doug! Really beautiful.

  12. It's summer all year round here in Malaysia. Never have to say goodbye!

    Duncan In Kuantan

  13. Nice shot man. And Nooo. Sept 1st always depresses. It means summer is ending. :(

  14. OK Mr Fickle you are.

    For all photographers - and farmers - it's either too cloudy, too sunny, too early, too late, too hot, too cold. But you manage beautifully.

  15. you've described this mood of seasonal change very well here, doug, both in words and with your picture! personally, i wouldn't mind if summer stayed on a bit longer, but i'm looking forward to fall as well!

  16. Wonderful post Doug. But like you I am so ready for Fall.

  17. The right image to dog this, Doug! I am hoping to see the Indian summer days too.

  18. The waning light on the colorful and cury kayaks makes a nice image.

  19. It sounds like your summers are truly lovely Doug. Mine are scorched earth and smog--can't wait for them to end out here. Perfect shot to say your goodbyes with though!

  20. no season is more beautiful than the autumn
    so... well comeback wonderful, warm and colorful
    lovely words in farewell discourse :-)
    and of course AMAZED ME you photo.

  21. if not for the humidity, i'm perfectly fine with summer.. but yep, i'm definitely looking forward to the change in season.. nice shot.. :)
