Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Lotus Eaters

Red Lotus, Old Farm House Pond, Village of Lewisburg, Ohio  © Doug Hickok

If you recall your Greek mythology and the story of Homer's
Odyssey, the Lotus Eaters were a people inhabiting an island near North Africa who feasted on the Lotus flower and fruit. The plant was said to have a narcotic effect. According to Odysseus, when his ship ran aground on this island, his men munched upon the delicious Lotus plants. They soon felt carefree, being completely apathetic about ever leaving the land of the Lotus Eaters and returning home.

Though we did not partake of the fruit or flower of the lotus, we felt the same way about our family and their farmhouse in Lewisburg.


  1. Lovely colors and a good composition,
    well done Doug.

  2. I'll always think of the Odyssey now whenever I see a lotus flower, Doug. The Odyseey and "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" :) Well done!

  3. Just a word: perfect!!!
    Have a nice day.

  4. Wow, beautiful flower, beautiful photo!

  5. splendid frame i really love how you have decided to present it,also in details and sharpeness i think it's great, compliments Doug

  6. Love the image and accompanying story. Beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful flower.I can see Lotus flowers in my neighborhood but I didn't know such a wonderful color.

  8. It is a beautiful flower and it would be quite useful sometimes...

  9. Wow. I don't think I've ever wanted to read Tennyson this early in the morning before. His words + this pic = awesome.

  10. Wow, what a beautiful image. I love the contrast between the vibrant pink of the petals and the dark water of the lake. Brilliant!

  11. what a wonderful "portrait", showing both the beauty and elegance of this iconic flower. perhaps odysseus's people didn't even have to eat the plant - just looking at it long enough would probably have had the same effect ... ;-))

  12. Lovely post Doug and a great image!

  13. Nice one today man. Loved that story.

  14. Beautiful shot, Doug...

  15. Great story Doug and the photo is beautifully captured.

  16. This is a beautiful macro, Doug! The colors mingled wonderfully. My first real lotus flower was in India, in Udaipur, so this reminded me about that trip.

  17. Lovely color and detail, as well as artful placement of the bloom in the frame.

  18. Beautiful rich colors and as usual a wonderfully rich narrative to accompany your shot. Lovely work Doug!

  19. about Lotus:
    I just know the 'lotus posture' in yoga.
    by the way... gorgeous color as always, Doug.

  20. lovely capture here.. hmm.. i don't remember that.. sounds like an interesting way to get high.. :D

  21. Leave? But I don't feel like leaving ... pass me another lotus!

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