Friday, September 2, 2011


Faceless Figures, Green Acres Canoe and Kayak, Harrison, OH  © Doug Hickok

I post this unusual image today because I have not done a Favorite Photographer Friday post in a long time. This kind of picture reminds me of the old master photographer of humor, strangeness and odd juxtapositions, Elliott Erwitt. In case you need a smile (or a cringe) today, below are two links to some of his better known photographs,
 here and here.

Hope you have a fun weekend.


  1. Lol, thanks for the morning smile.

    Re. autumn: same here, school starts on Monday but I can't relate to this end of summer thingy for two reasons: because I know it's still summer and because my summer holidays -sorry, vacation!- begin next week!!!

  2. Elliott Erwitt would have loved it, I'm sure. As do I.

  3. These look like they could be a lot of fun.

  4. Hello, Doug Hickok

    Awe inspiring your works...
    It lets me feel warmth with the humanity.

    Thank you for your usual visit and heart.

    Have a good weekend.
    From Saga, Japan.
    ruma ✰

  5. I love this shot which is kind of strange because as a child I was scared of faceless images.

  6. These plywood facethrough boards are a hoot! We don't see them very often, though. Thanks for the Favorite Photographer segment; it helps to inpsire our creativity.

  7. Nice, do you know that I probably have never seen in reality such a faceless picture:)

  8. These things are the best when it comes time to ham things up a bit :)

  9. Great find, funny and well composed.
    Have a nice day.

  10. the great faceless void ;-)) well seen and taken, doug!
    thanks also for the link! there are some really remarkable images among them (under the first "here"), e.g. numbers 4, 5, 10 and 16!!

  11. Thanks for sharing those links. I don't remeber being aware of Erwitt, and I appreciate the humor and just plain strageness of some of his shots.

  12. A nice collection of goods photos. Greetings.

  13. Great whimsical shot Doug and a fitting tribute to Erwitt. Glad to see Favorite Photographer Friday again!

  14. Thank you for story and photo.
    2 very good links.

  15. i never thought of taking a shot of these touristy things.. it makes for a fine post though.. i'll have to remember taking a snap of these when i see them.. :D nice work! :)
