Monday, August 18, 2014

Misty Monday - Last Roll

Palmetto Trees and Pond, Kiawah Island, SC  © Doug Hickok  All Rights Reserved
(Click on image for larger view. Velvia slide film.)

Soft light from morning sea fog adds a mysterious mood to this row of palmetto trees reflected in a pond on Kiawah Island. This image is from the last roll of film that I ever shot, back in 2009. I was a late comer to digital photography, but since then it has been all digital. I even shoot occasionally with a tablet nowadays... never saw that coming 5 years ago.



  1. Spectacular photography Doug! An idyllic landscape with a compuesto excellently revealed extraordinary. Congratulations!
    A hug from Spain :)

  2. A fine composition. The trees make a very impressive shot.

  3. i on the other hand am just picking up analog. ;) not sure what i feel about that taking pictures with a tablet thingy though.

  4. love the colors and theme you were able to capture here, nicely done.
