Thursday, May 8, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Point of View

Azaleas and Pedestrian Bridge, Magnolia Gardens, Charleston, SC  (Film)

When my wife and I first moved to South Carolina back in the 1980's,
 I was fortunate to have worked at Magnolia Gardens for a couple of years.
 On my time off, I would walk the plantation paths, with camera in hand,
 and learn the tricks of garden photography. For this point of view,
 I climbed up a ladder to peer over the masses of blooming azaleas.
This gave me a clear view of the colors and the old pedestrian bridge
  that is a landmark of the gardens.


  1. My first thought was "What a great vantage point". I should have known you climbed on something. Beautiful photo.

  2. Your efforts paid off with a fine near/far image of these pretty flowers and the landmark bridge. Very well done.

  3. Oh! I was there on the weekend! Lovely work.
