Sunday, October 13, 2013

Night in the French Quarter

Stylized Pineapple on Gate, Saint Philip's Church, French Quarter, Charleston, SC
© Doug Hickok  All Rights Reserved
(Velvia slide film.)

At night, lights illuminate the steeple of Saint Philip's Church, in Charleston's French Quarter. It provides a colorful background for a stylized pineapple atop the church gate. The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality, a concept which is often in the forefront of Charleston's destination travel marketing.

As you can see from the graininess of the photo, this image was made on Velvia slide film, from my earlier days of shooting.


  1. Nice job of selective focus. The Velvia has gorgeous color capabilities.

  2. Nice one Doug. I can remember the exhilaration that I had when Fuji brought out Velvia - such a delight after Kodak's dreadful Ektachrome.
