Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bridge Wednesday - Leaning Toward the Weekend

Bike Rider, Ravenel Bridge, Mount Pleasant, SC  © Doug Hickok  All Rights Reserved

You may ask, "Why Bridge Wednesday?" Well, Wednesday marks the midpoint of the work week for many people. And a bridge works nicely as a metaphor for linking one point to another... in this case connecting the early part of the week with the later. Combine these two with a biker tilting around a turn on a bridge, and presto!, I have us collectively leaning toward the weekend.
Ha! Obscure perhaps, but surely symbolic.


  1. The Ravenel Bridge is a beauty!

  2. Wonderful colours in this image. I more than happy to go with your metaphor. Anyting that gets me closer to the weekend is greatly appreciated.

  3. That looks like a lovely sunset just out of sight.

  4. Yes Doug, very nice imagery! I really love those soft hues of the sky.
    Duncan In Kuantan

  5. Nice evening colors.
    And a deep explanation for the title ;)

  6. Wow, quantum physics today?! ;o)
    Does time really flow in one direction?
    Can we travel back in time if you flip this photo?
    Why are there seven days in a week?
    Yak, yak, yak...
    ...yaks yak a lot of bullsh!t sometimes! Ha :o)

  7. Very nice picture and wonderful colors.

  8. It's a great bridge. The technology must be great.

  9. The colours, lines and composition, all are wonderful.

  10. the t-shirt resonates nicely with the sky color

  11. marvelous photograph. nice commentary. i love the tones in the sky


  12. · I like the composition in this image.

    · hugs

    CR· & ·LMA

  13. this would have been a great shot without the bike rider due to the inherent geometry. the presence of the bike, however, makes it a superb shot as it introduces a dynamic element into the static frame! extra cool!

  14. Definitely a convoluted bit of thinking Doug. But entirely understandable - and forgiveable for such a cool pic.

  15. Excellent analogy! I love all the great lines here and, of course, the lean.

  16. Nice metaphor, I'm agree, and nice capture as always.
    Have a nice day.

  17. i see what you mean, and it's a fitting post for a wednesday.. a pretty fine one too.. :)
