Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Beginnings

West Prong, Little Pigeon River,
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee  © Doug Hickok

Most of this soggy summer has been a rush of family events. We have made three road trips to Ohio in the last 60 days. Once for the Schulte family reunion.. a jaunt into the past and getting in touch with the present. Next for our niece's wedding... a wonderful new beginning for Sarah and Mike. Last weekend we made our third road trip. This time we helped move our son in with his cousin... another new beginning, especially when he experiences his first midwestern winter! 

Since our daughter moved out of the house last year (and is now applying to grad schools),
 we are officially "empty nesters". We are experiencing a flood of mixed emotions. It is exciting to watch our talented children growing into adulthood, flourishing as amazing individuals. As for us, we are traveling on a new tributary, enjoying a strangely quiet home, filled with distant echos of tiny babbling voices and bubbling laughter.

As we returned to South Carolina, we drove through the deluge of Tropical Storm Lee. We stopped briefly in the Great Smoky Mountains where streams and rivulets 
buoyantly cascaded... each drop of water on its newest journey... like the new beginnings of each member of our family.


  1. A stunning image. Love all the colors and flow of the water.
    I know what it feels like to have children grow and be on their own. It is like this flow . Steady and strong with so much to think about. Wishing you both the best.

  2. Doug a beautiful image and a lovely post! Have a great weekend.

  3. Beautiful photo! I think the water is really cold of this river.
    Have a nice weekend Doug!

  4. Les couleurs de ces rochers sont magnifiques d'intensité et j'aime beaucoup cette impression d'entrer dans l'automne.

  5. Hi Doug, it's each time a joy to visit your blog! I love your pictures, the color compositions etc. I haven't been around here so I will take my time today to stuy your posts..

    Cheers and enjoy your weekend!

  6. Yes, it's an opportunity for the freshening of the marriage when the last little chick takes flight. Enjoy!

  7. I understand you too well, Doug, as I am in your shoes too... It is so true, and your photo illustrates perfectly the idea.

  8. I hope that the day my children go out of my home will be late.
    However it can't be helped. :)
    Anyway great photo.

  9. wonderful shot. I love the water that flows.

  10. The strange thing is Doug that you just get used to the self-indulgence that the "empty nest" offers, when the fledglings return after their first flight...and then it's back to normal...and then they leave again...and then fly back again...

  11. Gorgeous capture of this water. Love the light!!!

  12. Beautiful capture. Enjoyed your words about new beginnings. Have also enjoyed the changes mentioned by George above and the ongoing adaptations that come along.

  13. Your comparison between family and the course of water gives quite something to think about...
    God bless you!

  14. Beautiful river and beautiful rocks!

  15. wonderful and meaningful words to accompany a gorgeous photo! i sympathize with your feelings, doug, as we've been "empty nesters", too, for a while. but - within the next few days our family will expand as we're expecting ... our first grandchild! so, as you can imagine, everyone is rather excited ...

  16. You're misting me up a bit brother! At this point I can't imagine the place without the pitter-patter of little feet but I know that in a flash they'll be off living their own lives. [Sigh]

    Wonderful image to illustrate your thoughtful words Doug

  17. nice shot! it does seem like you guys were busy.. :)

  18. very nice shot with great tones
