Monday, September 12, 2011

Misty Monday - Business

Diamond Tower, Ravenel Bridge, Mount Pleasant, SC  © Doug Hickok

Town of Mount Pleasant Business Plan

The upscale Town of Mount Pleasant, across the harbor from Charleston,
used one of my stock images
 recently for the cover of their Business Plan booklet.
The goal is to attract more corporate business to their city,
and therefore more revenue for the local economy.

Speaking of business, because Becky and I were out of town so much during the summer, I am several weeks behind in photography work. Plus, the busy fall shooting season is under way.

To all my blogger friends, I apologize for not being able to visit you as regularly as I would like. Please know 
I have not forgotten about you! I will catch-up with everyone as soon as I can. Thank you very much for all your comments. 
I appreciate the time you take to stop by. 


  1. It's a splendid photo, indeed, announcing the beginning of the fall!

  2. Congratulations, Doug. That has really got to feel gratifying!

    And don't worry about the rest. You'll catch up when you are able, I'm sure. Priorities!

  3. Nice shot. South Carolina must be a wonderful place.

  4. They couldn't have chosen a more perfect photo to draw the viewer in.

  5. Yeah for you, Doug... always a joy to sell an image! Beautiful subtle color and the form and composition here is a delight for the eye!

  6. Lovely shot that seems to be ethereal and solid at the same time.

  7. Pretty cool shot. That thing looks huge!

  8. Well done!
    Another if-you've-got-it-flaunt-it shot. ;o)
    Man, I 'd like to sell my photos too.

    It's so hot and humid here.
    Ideal temperature to grow pineapples.
    But durians sell better than pineapples. :^)

  9. congrats on the assignment or selection! well deserved indeed! i wish them - an you, of course - much success! this attractive image should lure them in droves to mt. pleasant! ;-))

  10. Congrats! It's a beautiful picture!
    Have a nice day.

  11. Best of luck during this season of shooting. I love the juxtapositions in this shot. The starkly (but beautifully) crafted man made structure and the natural elements in the foreground make for a really interesting shot. Congrats on it getting picked up for publication!

  12. It's a great concept shot illustrating how the symbolism in an image is often as important as the content.

  13. Awesome shot! Love the architecture of that bridge. That shot brings back a lot of memories for me. Congratz on the stock work, very well done

  14. this looks so beautiful covered in mist like that..
