Saturday, August 27, 2011

Irene Passes by Charleston

Storm Walker, South Battery, Charleston, SC  © Doug Hickok

Fortunately, Charleston was only brushed by the outer bands of Hurricane Irene as she passed up the Atlantic coast last evening.

 Today, our thoughts are with everyone in the path of this destructive force of nature.


  1. Love the Red Umbrella. I collect them and all kinds. Wonderful shot , My thoughts are with evey one that is in the way of this deadly storm.

  2. Good to hear that nothing happened in your town!

  3. A close shave, was it? Thankfully your town is safe. This is a fantastic shot with excellent composition.

  4. The red umbrella creates a very nice effect!

  5. Irene is all over the news here. Did the umbrella make it I wonder?

  6. un bellissimo contrasto,complimenti!

  7. oh, you intrepid photographer you, out in the storm getting such telling shots as this.

  8. A very apt photo. Glad to hear your town is safe and hope others are spared.

  9. Great shot Doug. Good to hear everything is okay with you. We are still waiting.

  10. Bad Irene but cool shot with red umbrella in the main role.

  11. Glad to hear you were spared the worst. This is nice with that bright patch of red.

  12. Been worried about you guys as I've followed the news. Glad to hear you guys were largely spared. Love the bright red against the grey sky and the motion blur--very cool Doug

  13. Wonderful color on that umbrella. Good thing you were only hit with the edge of the storm.

  14. I am glad Irene was mostly a photo op over there!_

  15. i hope all is safe over there

  16. Great capture, Doug, and on a personal note, a red umbrella is something that I'll go out of my way to photograph any day. Glad you were not too much affected by the hurricane. (We don't have them in Santiago. Just earth tremors...)

  17. so glad you were spared the worst! it seems you get hit often enough by these storms, so it's great this one passed you by! (my wife's name is irene, by the way, and she's none too pleased that here name has become a synonym of destruction and mayhem right now! but what can you do? ;-))

  18. glad to hear you weren't severely hit there..
