Monday, July 23, 2012

A New Day

Sunrise and Pineapple Fountain, Waterfront Park, Charleston, South Carolina
 © Doug Hickok  All Rights Reserved

Seeming to dangle from the fingers of a fine fountain, a Carolina Lowcountry
sun rises to begin a new day. In that same spirit, I shall begin a new chapter in the story line of Doug's Photo Blog. Shifting the setting from our adventures out West, I return to the Deep South, where Becky and I have lived for
more than 25 years in Charleston.

Every story should offer a bit of drama and intrigue, and perhaps some comic relief. Hence the title of this week's chapter shall be, "A Return to Charleston...  whereupon the leading characters ride a runaway carriage, stroll along the Battery promenade during a tropical tempest, feast on she crab soup while whistling Dixie, shop for pineapple-shaped chocolates at the Market, collect sea shells by the sea shore (even after getting swamped by a salty rogue wave), fish in backwater creeks 
among cypress knees for stumpknockers,
and dance the Charleston while wearing silly feathered hats." 

P.S.  Please note that Doug's Photo Blog may be a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places, yaks and incidents could be the product of
my imagination or a condition of delirium brought on by eating too much
she crab soup. Any resemblance to actual persons, events,
yaks or locales are likely to be entirely a fluke.
 Thank you.